My Whatever File
Get really good at the hard games
- Bridge
- Go
- Poker
Read Fiction
- All that sci-fi that your: Verner Vinge, Iain Banks, Michael Moorcock
- Tackle the Baroque Cycle again
- Even fun stuff like Agatha Christie mysteries
Read Non-Fiction
- History: Napoleon, Rome, Byzantium, ancient India
- Science: Nuclear energy
- Biography: Marie Curie
- Business: Hard Things
Actually write an iOS app. Maybe even a watch app now that I have one.
Automate my home
Redo my site and resume as modern beautiful web content. Stick to static pages, but try to do even more client-side.
Play with arbitrary technology with no specific goal in mind
- Raspberry Pi
Pick up some bigger features on Midas
Get good at leisure
- Play video games -- I'm only 25% of the way through Skyrim, and I'm sure there's better stuff than that
- Watch a ton of baseball -- if only I was still in Boston