Cleaning Up Photo Duplicates

Pie Chart

I did a data cleanup over the weekend. I doubt this is interesting for anyone else, I just wanted to capture my own notes.

Our family photos are stored up in Google Photos. We have about 100k photos and short movies that take up 0.5TB. I wanted to back up to local storage, but also I liked the idea of trying the mdisc format for long-term storage.

I ran Takeout and unzipped everything. I was surprised to see so many duplicates. Some are copies in the same folders with suffixes like "(1)", most are multiple copies in different folders. Takeout seems to just store a copy for each album a photo is in.

Some poking at the data shows 88% of 302,755 files / 72% of the bytes were unique (histogram at the bottom of the post). Removing dups can save 200+GB. Sure not really worth the trouble but why not.


1. On the NAS, gather file checksums (md5sum) and sizes for all the files under Takeout/Google Files. Mostly variations on of find -print0 | xargs -0.

2. Data cleanup to get into nice file paths and clean delimiters, mostly interactively with vi.

3. Insert into sqlite using .separator and .import.

Here's what the database ended up looking like: Photos and Sizes are inputs, HashCounts, Duplicates, and Candidates are outputs.

CREATE TABLE Photos(hash TEXT,path TEXT);
CREATE TABLE Sizes(size INT,path TEXT);
CREATE TABLE HashCounts(hash TEXT,found INT);
CREATE TABLE Duplicates(path STRING,hash STRING,found INT,size INT);
CREATE TABLE Candidates(path STRING,hash STRING,size INT,pos INT);

4. Find the dups. I'm surprised to find some with 50 or more copies, but it out some family favorites end up in lots of albums.

insert into HashCounts
select hash, sum(1) as found from Photos group by hash;

5. Figure out candidates for deletion

insert into Duplicates
select Photos.path, Photos.hash, HashCounts.found, Sizes.size
from Photos, HashCounts, Sizes
where HashCounts.hash=Photos.hash and Photos.path=Sizes.path
and HashCounts.found > 1;

The first of each set is the one we'll keep.

insert into Candidates
select *
from (select path, hash, size, row_number() over (partition by hash) as row_number
    from (select * from Duplicates order by hash, path desc)
) where row_number > 1;

I was surprised that sqlplus supports window functions, nice.

The inner reverse-alpha sort on "path" takes care of two cases. I tend to prefer keeping photos with names that start with years, and Those come first alphabetically (nice). Also within folders often there are many copies with "(1)" and "(2)" suffixes that are generally cruft and most worthy of removing, and those also sort last alphabetically (nice).

5. Dump out the "Candidates" using .output. Copy back to the NAS. Do lots of spot checks. Convert to a bash script of rm commands, run very carefully.


Sqlite is my go-to tool for ad-hoc work like this. It's fast and simple, but only for small jobs -- this one is MB-scale.

select name, sum(pgsize) from dbstat group by name;
name           sum(pgsize)
-------------  -----------
Candidates     3006464
Duplicates     5541888
HashCounts     11051008
Photos         23240704
Sizes          13807616
sqlite_schema  4096

My Synology is a pretty good place for storage with ability to ssh in and run local commands. But if I had to do this again, though, I should have just bought a large locally-connected SSD. All the transfers to-from the NAS were a hassle. Looking now I'm stunned that you can get a 4 TB external SSD for under $300.

Some private notes here.

Histogram (source)


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